Medium Pocket Knife with 12 Functions Tourist

Cat. no: 0360305

How far will you travel today in search of adventure? Sometimes it's halfway around the world, and other times it's just down the block. Either way, with the Tourist knife in your pocket, you're ready to be the captain of every journey.


  1. blade, large
  2. blade, small
  3. corkscrew
  4. reamer, punch and sewing awl
  5. can opener
  6. screwdriver 3 mm
  7. bottle opener
  8. screwdriver 5 mm
  9. wire stripper
  10. key ring
  11. toothpick
  12. tweezers

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  • Details
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Size 8,4x1,5x2,6 cm Weight 0,05
Color red, silver Packed in -
Imprint Laser engraving
Package -
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